Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nixon's China Game....A reaction

In Class, we viewed a documentary entitled "Nixon's China Game". the premise of this movie is to illustrate how Nixon worked diligently to meet with Mao Zedong to better relations between the US and China. What amazed me is the intricate detail that this mission had. Everything was kept secret until the announcement in 1971. In my opinion, that is the best way to operate, to let as very little people know as possible in order to move forward with a project that would benefit the nation. This way, public opinion is not a hindrance. 
As the documentary progressed,there was a lot of tension during Nixon's stay in China. Rightfully so, because if there was a fatal flaw in the implementation of this plan, than this would consequently cause a rift in the future relations of China and  in turn they would aid Russia. This would have been a severe blow to the United States.Fortunately this China game caused Russia to adjust, which ultimately gave the US a leg up  in the Civil War. 
The rest is clearly documented. 

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